About myself
The name is Ridley, and I'm a goth guy in need of coffee. Feed me? I'm a 20 year old student residing in Canada, but my calling really is anything artistic, doesn't everyone want to splatter the walls of your city in whatever bullshit you can muster? I actually don't program or anything, this was started as a creative project and needing a portfolio, so this is my first time coding anything, (With help from light fuck-arounds in Tumblr when I was 12), and I'm really enjoying the process. Until I have more time to add some more interactive elements to this page that I'm planning, I'll just let you know of the many sides of my dice: Furry, Testosterone Enanthate (yummy), all art mediums, Metal, Rap/Hiphop, and most importantly, I give my appreciation to nerds like my partner who, upon speaking, are also totally equally rebellious and fucked up as I am!